Inauguration of Suttur JSS School Student Union

Inauguration of Suttur JSS School Student Union

Suttur, July 15, 2024: The Suttur JSS Residential School officially launched its Student Union activities for the academic year on July 13, 2024. The event marked the beginning of a new chapter for the students, providing them with opportunities to develop leadership skills and engage in various extracurricular activities.

Inaugurating the Student Union, Shri M. Shivamadappa, Associate Director of the School Education Division, highlighted the significant achievements of former students who have excelled nationally and internationally. “Students at this school have the chance to excel in various extracurricular activities such as sports, yoga, mallakhamba, music, and computers, in addition to academics. Utilize the Student Union to achieve your goals,” he encouraged.

Chief guest Shri K.M. Mahadevappa, Retired Principal from Mysuru, emphasized the importance of the Student Union for aspiring politicians. “The Student Union helps develop leadership qualities. Students from such a reputable school can greatly contribute to the State and the country if they pursue politics. A student who advances on their own merits will undoubtedly succeed. The Student Union provides a platform to showcase and nurture hidden talents,” he noted. He also discussed the benefits of yoga, urging students to incorporate it into their daily routine.

The program was presided over by Shri S.P. Udayashankar, Administrative Officer of JSS Residential School, Suttur. Other dignitaries present included heads of various departments: Shri G.L. Tripurantaka, Shri Sampath, Shri Veerbhadraiah, Shri S. Shivaswamy, Shri G. Shivamallu, Shri Ma.Gu Basavanna, Shri G.M. Shadakshari, Shri Mahadevaswamy, and Smt. P. Susheela.

The event began with an invocation by the school students, followed by a welcome address from Smt. B. Vedavathi. Smt. Mangalagowramma delivered the vote of thanks, and Smt. H.B. Krupa served as the master of ceremonies.

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