Unique Teaching Approach

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Holistic Learning Experience
JSS School, Suttur believes in delivering high-quality holistic education by enabling students to develop their social and creative abilities through various innovative programmes. The school nourishes the intellectual as well as the emotional qualities of children in a caring, progressive, and healthful atmosphere. The school aims to provide an advanced learning space that integrates academics, culture, art, science, sport and spirituality into a flexible schedule that values and respects the inner capabilities of the child. The school adopts a teaching method that appeals to all kinds of learners.
Personality Development Sessions
Personality portrays the overall attitude and behaviour towards life. Children are little adults who undergo diverse growth characteristics on intellectual, emotional and social fronts on their way to adulthood. Moulding personality at a young age helps them develop the right combination of traits, impressions, thought processes, attitudes, behaviour, communication abilities, and physical features. Personality development sessions at JSS School, Suttur, shape children’s personalities and prepare them to face the cutthroat competitive world.
Counselling Centres
Apart from the influence of family members, the school environment significantly impacts the young one’s life. Guidance and counselling are essential educational tools in shaping the child’s mind to bring out the best in them. JSS School, Suttur, offers counselling services for students through well-trained professional counsellors. Counselling sessions are transformative and positively impact a child in difficult situations. The children learn to live in peace and harmony with others and cherish their surroundings.
Modern teaching methodologies
Modern teaching methods are a significant part of mass educational reform. These methods not only educate but also inspire and generate curiosity. JSS School, Suttur, has perfectly blended the traditional style of teaching with a modern teaching methodology that is demonstrative, illustrative and practical. Our unique teaching approach improves cognitive thinking abilities and aids in the development of learning. Here, the student is the main focus of lesson planning, and the teacher acts as a facilitator providing the necessary resources and support, paving the way for the student to explore and learn in a stress-free environment. Modern and innovative teaching techniques are found to be effective in building a strong foundation for higher education levels as well.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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