Universal Peace is Possible through Yoga: Dr. C.G. Betsurmath

Suttur, June 21, 2024 — The students of JSS Residential School, Suttur, observed the International Day of Yoga in a meaningful and impactful way.

In collaboration with the JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, the school organized the 10th International Day of Yoga on June 21. Dr. C.G. Betsurmath, Executive Secretary of JSS Mahavidyapeetha, addressed the gathering as the chief guest. Dr. Betsurmath highlighted that India deserves the credit for introducing yoga to the world. He emphasized this year’s theme, “Yoga for Self & Society,” noting, “In the face of rising corruption, crime, and fraud, peace of mind is essential for achieving world peace. Yoga not only enhances international relations but also fosters harmony and peace. It helps develop courage, memory, and immunity in individuals. Daily yoga practice is crucial for better physical and mental health.”

Sri G.L. Tripurantaka, Coordinating Officer of JSS Institutions, expressed concern about the growing fascination among Indian youth with foreign countries and cultures. He remarked, “More youth are now turning to gyms for physical fitness, neglecting our ancient practice of yoga, which maintains physical fitness and mental control. Yoga keeps us enthusiastic and cheerful throughout the day and can prevent many diseases. Therefore, it is vital for everyone to practice yoga daily to enhance their lives.”

The event was graced by notable dignitaries, including Dr. B. Manjunath, Registrar of JSS AHER, Dr. Vishal Kumar Gupta, Dean of Academics, Sri S.R. Satish Chandra, Administrative Officer of JSS Medical College, Dr. M.U. Sujan, Coordinating Officer of the Yoga Division, along with heads of various departments of JSS Institutions. Over 4,000 students from JSS Residential School, Suttur, participated in the program, marking a significant celebration of the International Day of Yoga.

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