109th Jayanti Mahotsav of HH Jagadguru Sri Dr. Shivarathri Rajendra Mahaswamiji and Teachers’ Day Celebrated at JSS School, Suttur

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109th Jayanti Mahotsav of HH Jagadguru Sri Dr. Shivarathri Rajendra Mahaswamiji and Teachers’ Day Celebrated at JSS School, Suttur

The idol of His Holiness Dr. Sri Shivarathri Rajendra Mahaswamiji was placed in a robotic elephant and taken in a grand procession at the JSS Residential School premises, Suttur, as part of the 109th Jayanti Mahotsav celebrations. The procession was accompanied by vibrant folk art troupes. Seen in the picture are Administrative Officer Sri S.P. Udayashankar, Sri Shivaswamy, Prof. S. Mallanna, Retd. Principal and Light Music artist, and Sri Swamy S., Deputy Director, D.S.E.R.T., Bengaluru, along with other staff members.


Suttur, September 14, 2024: The JSS Educational Institution, Suttur, celebrated the 109th Jayanti Mahotsav of His Holiness Jagadguru Sri Dr. Shivarathri Rajendra Mahaswamiji alongside Teachers’ Day on September 14, 2024. The event was marked by reverence, cultural activities, and recognition of meritorious students and teachers.

In his keynote address, Prof. S. Mallanna, Retired Principal and renowned Sugama Sangeetha artist from Mysuru, emphasized the significant contributions of HH Sri Rajendra Mahaswamiji. “He was a beacon of knowledge for countless poor and rural students, offering support to the neglected and weak. He introduced the concept of ‘dasoha’—free distribution of knowledge and food, aiding thousands through education and sustenance. His Holiness’ tireless efforts have propelled the cultural, social, educational, and spiritual progress of our society,” he stated. Prof. Mallanna further highlighted how His Holiness’ work in opening institutions like the Sangeetha Sabha and Sharana Sahitya Parishat laid a foundation for holistic development.

Sri Swamy S., Deputy Director, D.S.E.R.T., Bengaluru, the event’s chief guest, praised the contributions of HH Sri Rajendra Mahaswamiji. “He was a true yogi who catered to the needs of society’s hunger, thirst, and knowledge,” he remarked, adding that Suttur has now become a spiritual hub because of these relentless efforts. On the significance of Teachers’ Day, he shared insights about Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, the great philosopher and educationist, and called on teachers to inspire their students and cultivate achievement. He urged teachers to recognize the hidden talents of students and nurture them to achieve success.

The day began with pooja ceremonies at the Shrine, followed by a grand procession featuring a robotic elephant carrying the idol of His Holiness. The procession was accompanied by vibrant folk art troupes and moved around the school premises, adding to the festivities.
Sri S.P. Udayashankar, Administrative Officer, JSS Institutions, Suttur, presided over the event. Heads of various departments, including Sri G.L. Tripurantaka, Sri Sampath, Sri Veerbhadraiah, Dr. Jnanesh, Dr. H.M. Mahesh, Sri S. Shivaswamy, Sri G. Shivamallu, Sri G.M. Shadakshari, Sri G. Shivaswamy, Sri Mahadevaprasad, and Smt. Susheela, attended the celebration.

Prizes were distributed to winners of various sports and cultural competitions, as well as to meritorious students. The program also included an oath administered by Prof. M. Rajashekar, an invocation by B.Ed. students, a warm welcome by Smt. D.S. Veena, and a vote of thanks by Sri M.B. Sridhar. Sri G.N. Manjunath served as the program’s master of ceremonies, ensuring the event’s smooth flow.

The celebration saw enthusiastic participation from all teaching and non-teaching staff, who contributed to its success with dedication and devotion.

109th Jayanti Mahotsav of HH Jagadguru Sri Dr. Shivarathri Rajendra Mahaswamiji and Teachers’ Day Celebrated at JSS School, Suttur

The JSS Residential School, Suttur, celebrated the 109th Jayanti Mahotsav of His Holiness Jagadguru Sri Shivarathri Rajendra Mahaswamiji, along with Teachers’ Day. Prof. S. Mallanna, Retired Principal and Light Music artist, addressed the gathering. Also seen in the picture are Sri Swamy S., Deputy Director, D.S.E.R.T., Bengaluru, Administrative Officer Sri S.P. Udayashankar, Sri Shivaswamy, and Heads of various departments.

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