JSS Free Residential School Students Experience the Wonders of the Universe at Free Planetarium Show

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JSS Free Residential School Students Experience the Wonders of the Universe at Free Planetarium Show 2025

JSS KRCST Coordinator Sri Y.M. Sasalaradhya, Headmaster Sri Ma. Gu. Basavanna and teachers seen with the students of the JSS Free Resdiential School, Suttur, during the Planetarium show, at Suttur.

Suttur, February 28, 2025: Students of the JSS Free Residential School, Suttur, were treated to an awe-inspiring free planetarium show on February 26, 2025, organized by the JSS Knowledge Resource Centre for Science and Techonolgy, in collaboration with Tare Zameen Par, Bengaluru, and Varnaaz Technology Centre.

The event provided over 500 students and teachers with a captivating journey through the cosmos. They explored the solar and lunar systems, learned about eclipses, satellite launches, the life cycle of stars and Earth, climate change, black holes, the movement of the Earth, the Big Bang theory, primordial black holes, neutron star supernovas, and more. The show not only sparked curiosity but also deepened their understanding of complex scientific concepts.

This initiative is part of a broader effort to make science education more engaging and accessible. More such planetarium shows are planned across the district in the coming days, offering free access to students from both government and private schools.

The JSS Knowledge Resource Centre for Science and Technology, established by JSS Mahavidyapeetha at Sri Sutturkshetra with support from the Science and Technology Department, Government of Karnataka, aims to foster interest in science and technology among students. The center features 44 indoor and 16 outdoor science models based on various scientific principles, providing hands-on learning experiences.
Since its inception, the center has benefited over 2,000 students from various high schools, offering them practical exposure to complement their classroom learning. This initiative underscores JSS Mahavidyapeetha’s commitment to making science education interactive, enjoyable, and impactful.

Dr. Prashanthmurthy, JSS AHER, teachers Vinodkumar, Sri Abhijit, Head, Taare Zameen Par, Sri Y.M. Sasalaradhya, Coordinator, JSS KRCST, Dr. Mahadevaswamy, Director, JSS Technical Education Division, Satish, Teacher are seen with the students during the ‘Planetarium Show,’ held at Suttur.

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