Kannada Rajyotsava Celebrated with Fervor at JSS Residential School, Suttur

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Kannada Rajyotsava Celebrated with Fervor at JSS Residential School, Suttur

The JSS Residential School, Suttur, observed Kannada Rajyotsava on November 1, 2024. Sri Ma. Gu. Sadanandaiah, President, Akhila Bharatha Sharana Sahitya Parishath, Mysuru Chapter, Sri S.P. Udayshankar, Administrative Officer, JSS Educational Institution, Suttur and heads of various departments of the school are seen in the picture.

Suttur, November 1, 2024: JSS Residential School in Suttur celebrated Kannada Rajyotsava with a program organized under the auspices of JSS Educational Institutions. The event was marked by the hoisting of the State Flag and an address by Sri Ma. Gu. Sadanandaiah, President of Akhila Bharata Sharana Sahitya Parishath, Mysuru City Chapter.

In his speech, Sri Sadanandaiah highlighted the spiritual significance of Suttur, noting its rich heritage as the birthplace of numerous spiritual leaders and gurus. “The serene environment of Suttur nurtures students, instilling culture and purity in their character,” he said.

Emphasizing the importance of the Kannada language, he remarked, “Kannada is the language we learn from our mothers; it flows through our veins. It has captivated the world’s attention and endured despite challenges that have led to the decline of many other languages. The resilience of Kannada is rooted in the depth of its literature, including the vachana sahitya.”

Recalling Vinoba Bhave’s praise of Kannada as the ‘Queen of Scripts’ for its phonetic beauty, Sri Sadanandaiah urged everyone to take pride in the language. He cited renowned litterateur Pu.Ti.Na., stressing the duty to protect and nurture Kannada. “Our survival is intertwined with the survival of our mother tongue. Forgetting our language leads to the loss of our identity,” he cautioned. He encouraged students to prioritize Kannada, to learn it with passion, and to carry its legacy forward with pride.

The program was presided over by Sri S.P. Udayashankar, Administrative Officer. Heads of various departments, including Sri G.L. Tripurantaka, Sri Veerbhadraiah, Dr. H.M. Mahesh, Sri S. Shivaswamy, Sri G. Shivamallu, Sri M.G. Basavanna, Sri G.M. Shadakshari, Sri G. Shivaswami, and Sri Mahadevaprasad, were present.

The event commenced with an invocation by the school students. Smt. Kavyashri welcomed the guests and the gathering, Smt. D.P. Nagalambika delivered the vote of thanks, and Smt. K.S. Mamatha mastered the program.

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