Year: 2024

Vision-625 Program Launched

Vision-625 Program Launched

Sri S.P. Udayashankar, Administrative Officer, JSS Institutions, Suttur, and Sri B.A. Rajashekar, Director, School Education Division, JSS MVP, inaugurate Vision-625, a program aimed at helping students achieve top marks in the 2024-25 SSLC examinations.
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Inauguration of Suttur JSS School Student Union

Inauguration of Suttur JSS School Student Union

Suttur, July 15, 2024: The Suttur JSS Residential School officially launched its Student Union activities for the academic year on July 13, 2024. The event marked the beginning of a new chapter for the students, providing them with opportunities to develop leadership skills and engage in various extracurricular activities. Inaugurating the Student Union, Shri M. […]
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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